Dinner time at the comps with friends!
Eden Bezett – Age 6
‘I like dancing with Denise because she is funny, crazy and kind.’
‘I like the costumes I wear, it’s fun to dress up’
‘I’m really proud that I won my song & dance in the last competition’
‘I’m proud that I go on stage and I just smile all the way’
‘I like my dances cause like, they are really good timing with each dance.’
‘Denise is so funny’

Hannah Geary Age 10
‘I learn so many things from tap – working in a team, a chance to express my love & passion for performing’.
‘I get a change to perform on stage’
‘I love the age range, I can look up to spectacular dancers and younger performers look up to me.’
‘ The costumes, especially for tap, are dazzling!’
‘We go to the comps and I can improve from the judge’s comments.

Emma Bezett – Age 9
‘I like to hang out with other friends that are not school friends.’
‘When I first started, I was shy but now I do lots of acting. I love the comps and the concerts for Musical Theatre’
‘Denise chooses funny plays to do, I love it how she is always in a good mood and always smiling’

‘I love going to tap comps with my friends because everyone is supporting each other. And all the teachers are kind and caring. Denise is so loving & kind because she teachers children like me to dance and enjoy it as much as you can. Going to lessons you can put all your personality out there and have fun with your teacher. All the younger kids look up to the older kids as their inspiration. You might win sometimes and you might lose sometimes but its worth it in the end.
Written by Sophie Butson

Poppy Hussey
What dancing means to me is a million bucks. I am very happy to do it, it’s my passion. I have loved it ever since I was born and have done it ever since that day. When I was young I used to make up silly dances and perform them to my family, it used to make them laugh so hard. Then I grew up and I did real lessons, I still do. First I did ballet and now I am doing jazz, my teacher is lovely her name is Lara. I love seeing my friends at Jazz. It’s a blast! I really recommend it if you have time. It sounds scary when I say exams right? it’s not, it’s fun. From Poppy.